
Bouquet 30 Natural Roses


Bouquet of natural roses wrapped in a fine paper of different colors decorated with a crown and butterflies around.

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Product price: $75.00
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Wow the one you love like never before with 30 stunning long stem red roses!

Our spectacular arrangement is artistically designed by our expert floral artisans with an abundant array of dazzling red blooms. Standing over 2 feet tall, this luxurious surprise is personally hand-delivered for a grand romantic gesture she’ll remember always. Surprise someone special with our beautiful personalized bouquet FESH ROSES.

*None of our products have an exchange or full refund of money, please make sure that when you receive your order it is in order according to what you ordered, changes can be made same day you have received the product. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional product details to avoid returns.

Color Paper

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Flower Type

Natural Rose Color

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